
Majestic’s Rose In Bloom

Meet our founding Mom and namesake, Rosie! Rosie is a medium multigen English Goldendoodle. She has a beautiful wavy apricot coat and her gorgeous full furnishings add to her teddy bear look! She enjoys exploring and playing with the other dogs and she loves to cuddle, but she is also content being on her own. Rosie lives with us in our home, and she is a cherished member of our family!

Rosie is solid apricot and she carries for both brindle (Kbr) and black & brown points (Bb). She has a non-shedding straight/wavy coat (-/-) with full furnishings (F/F), which are very favorable genetics for non-shedding coats and allergy friendliness. Rosie weighs 34 pounds and is 19 inches tall at the withers (shoulders). She is considered a “medium” Goldendoodle (size category is based upon GANA’s Goldendoodle Breed Standard and is determined by height at withers).

Rosie is registered with the Goldendoodle Association of North America (GANA). She has completed and passed all OFA Cardiac (Heart), OFA CERF/CAER (Eyes), OFA Elbows, OFA Patellas (Knees), OFA Hips, PennHIP, and DNA/Genetics testing that meets or exceeds the requirements for the GANA Blue Ribbon level and the Good Dog Excellent level.

Photos of Rosie

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*Our PRIVATE MRG FAMILY Facebook Group is for families who already have one of our puppies or have committed to one of our puppies by joining our Master Waiting ListYou are a part of the Majestic Rose family, and we would love to stay connected with you and see our puppies as they learn and grow!

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Raised with love from the heart of our family to yours!

We love because He first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19