Contact us

We would love to hear from you!

We are continually adding information to our website, so we apologize if not everything you are looking for is on here yet! Please feel free to browse our site and/or contact us with any questions you may have. While we love to meet and talk with our puppy families, we have to reserve time for our own family as well. Therefore, we may not be able to respond right away. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to hearing from you!

7 + 13 =

Let's Connect!


*Our PRIVATE MRG FAMILY Facebook Group is for families who already have one of our puppies or have committed to one of our puppies by joining our Master Waiting ListYou are a part of the Majestic Rose family, and we would love to stay connected with you and see our puppies as they learn and grow!

We participate in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Associates Program. If you choose to purchase items using the links on our site we may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases at NO additional cost to you. You are not required to use these links but the support is very much appreciated!


Raised with love from the heart of our family to yours!

We love because He first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19